The World’s first HONEST skin company

What If You Were Never Lied To By Skin Companies...

If only there was one to treat you how you deserve

Picture this: When I was just an 8-year-old, I used to gaze upon adults with a sense of awe and wonder. In my mind, they were the epitome of strength, coolness, and honesty – everything I aspired to be when I grew up. But boy, was I ever so wrong!

Fast forward to my 16th year, where I thought I had everything all figured out. “Surely companies must be the beacons of honesty and morality,” I said to myself, convinced that their financial success was a clear indication of their unwavering commitment to society’s best interests.

Well, wouldn’t you know it, I was wrong yet again!

It’s a funny thing, how our perceptions and beliefs can shift so drastically as we grow older and gain more experience. But hey, that’s all part of the journey, isn’t it?

My awakening… 

Throughout my life, I’ve had to deal with a barrage of skin issues – from eczema and acne to all sorts of random rashes. It’s been a frustrating and confusing journey, to say the least. No matter what I did or tried, the problems always seemed to rear their ugly head again and again.

As a child and teenager, I had a nagging feeling that something just wasn’t right. But try as I might, I couldn’t put my finger on what it was exactly.

So I kept experimenting with different creams, detoxes, and concoctions, hoping that one of them would do the trick. But alas, I was always left feeling let down, disappointed, and downright despairing. I

It was a cycle that seemed never-ending, and it was starting to take its toll on me.

It may come as a surprise to you, but did you know that companies operating in the EU are legally allowed to make claims that are not backed by any scientific evidence?

Yes, you read that right – they can simply rely on their own opinions and thoughts to make bold statements about their products.

I’m sure you’ve come across countless ads that boast about improving wrinkles, banishing blemishes, or keeping your skin luxuriously moisturized. But how many of these claims are actually true? Well, it turns out that not much scientific research is required for these companies to make such assertions.

If you’re feeling skeptical about this, I encourage you to do your own research and see for yourself. Simply hop onto Google and see what you can find. It’s a fascinating topic, and one that’s definitely worth looking into.

After a lifetime of feeling disappointed and hopeless, I finally reached my breaking point. I was tired.

Tired of every single company making the same promise every year

Tired of worrying whether a product is suitable for my skin type

Tired of thinking, “What if this doesn’t work?”

I don’t know about you, but we deserve better than a guess and a promise that is unlikely to meet OUR needs. 

It’s about time, someone calls it out. We need to be able to understand what our skin is telling us and its uniqueness if we’re to move closer to what we deserve. 

Did you know… Skin takes 28 days to rejuvenate and can be influenced by your environment & diet. So here’s the question – how can skincare companies make bold claims of instant transformation without even acknowledging this fundamental truth? 

We deserve better!

Take a look at a few common products we found after a google search

Many of these ingredients do, in fact, help you with your skin or problem..But they don’t tell you what is in the ingredients, where it is from, or what it does in plain English.

Did you know that glycerin is used in heart medication and antifreeze? It also can be made from animal fat or vegetable oil.

I don’t know about you, but it shouldn’t require a science degree to understand what is going on my or my child’s face.

A lack of simple information might be an issue, but that ends today… 

There will be no more wasted time, wasted money, and wasted potential. 


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